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Bobby McCon, EdTech Group

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Mukhtar Guriev
Mukhtar Guriev

Email is Dead: How Social Media and Messaging Apps Killed the Old Way of Communication

Email, 1961-2007 R.I.P Thank God!

Email was once hailed as a revolutionary invention that changed the way we communicate and work. But after almost five decades of dominance, email is now facing its demise. In this article, we will explore the history, problems, and alternatives of email, and why we should be glad to say goodbye to this outdated technology.

Email, 1961-2007 R.I.P… Thank God!

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What is email and how did it start?

Email, short for electronic mail, is a system of sending and receiving messages over a computer network. The first email was sent in 1961 by Ray Tomlinson, a computer engineer working for the US Department of Defense. He used the @ symbol to separate the user name from the host name, creating the format that we still use today. Email was initially used for military and academic purposes, but soon spread to other sectors and organizations.

Why did email become so popular and ubiquitous?

Email became popular because it offered several advantages over traditional mail and phone calls. Email was faster, cheaper, more convenient, and more accessible. You could send an email to anyone in the world in seconds, without paying any postage or long-distance fees. You could also attach files, images, videos, and links to your emails, making them more versatile and informative. You could access your emails from any device with an internet connection, at any time and place. Email also enabled new forms of communication, such as newsletters, mailing lists, online forums, and group chats.

What are the main problems and drawbacks of email?

However, email also had its drawbacks. Email was not designed for the volume and complexity of modern communication. It was prone to errors, delays, misinterpretations, and misunderstandings. It was vulnerable to hackers, viruses, scams, and spam. It was difficult to organize, filter, search, and archive. It was also addictive, distracting, and stressful. Many people felt overwhelmed by the constant influx of emails in their inbox, and struggled to keep up with their messages.

The decline and death of email

How did social media and messaging apps challenge email?

In the 2000s, new technologies emerged that challenged the supremacy of email. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn allowed people to share their thoughts, opinions, photos, videos, and links with their friends, followers, and contacts. Messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, and WeChat enabled people to send instant messages, voice notes, stickers, emojis, and gifs to their contacts or groups. These tools offered more features, fun, and interactivity than email, and appealed to younger generations who preferred texting over emailing.

How did spam and phishing erode trust and security in email?

Another factor that contributed to the decline of email was the rise of spam and phishing. Spam is unsolicited and unwanted email that is sent in bulk to promote products, services, or causes. Phishing is a fraudulent email that tries to trick recipients into revealing their personal or financial information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or bank account details. Spam and phishing not only cluttered and clogged the inbox, but also posed serious threats to the privacy and security of email users. Many people lost their trust and confidence in email as a reliable and safe communication channel.

How did email overload and stress affect productivity and well-being?

A final reason that led to the death of email was the impact of email overload and stress on productivity and well-being. Email overload is the situation where the amount of email received exceeds the ability or willingness to process it. Email stress is the psychological and physiological response to email overload, such as anxiety, frustration, fatigue, and burnout. Email overload and stress affected the performance and health of email users in various ways. For example, email users wasted a lot of time and energy checking, reading, writing, and responding to emails, often at the expense of more important or urgent tasks. Email users also experienced interruptions, distractions, and multitasking, which reduced their focus, concentration, and creativity. Email users also suffered from emotional distress, such as anger, guilt, fear, and resentment, caused by the tone, content, or expectations of their emails.

The alternatives and successors of email

What are the benefits and features of modern communication tools?

Fortunately, there are many alternatives and successors to email that offer better solutions for online communication. Some of these tools are:





A cloud-based collaboration platform that allows teams to communicate and work together using channels, threads, direct messages, voice calls, video calls, file sharing, and integrations with other apps.

Slack improves team communication, collaboration, and productivity by reducing email clutter, enabling real-time conversations, facilitating feedback and brainstorming, and streamlining workflows.


A video conferencing platform that allows users to host or join online meetings, webinars, presentations, trainings, and events using video calls, audio calls, chat messages, screen sharing, whiteboards, polls, and breakout rooms.

Zoom enhances online communication by providing high-quality video and audio calls, enabling face-to-face interactions, fostering engagement and participation, and supporting various use cases and scenarios.


A project management platform that allows users to organize their tasks, projects, and goals using boards, lists, cards, checklists, labels, due dates, attachments, and comments.

Trello simplifies online communication by visualizing work progress, prioritizing tasks, assigning responsibilities, tracking deadlines, and collaborating with others.


A blogging platform that allows users to create, publish, and read articles on various topics, such as technology, business, culture, and personal development.

Medium enriches online communication by providing a platform for sharing ideas, stories, and insights with a large and diverse audience, and engaging with other writers and readers.

How can businesses and individuals transition from email to other platforms?

To transition from email to other platforms, businesses and individuals need to take some steps, such as:

  • Evaluate their communication needs and goals and choose the most suitable tools for their purposes.

  • Train themselves and their teams on how to use the new tools effectively and efficiently.

  • Set clear expectations and guidelines for online communication, such as when to use which tool, how often to check messages, how quickly to reply, and what tone and style to adopt.

  • Reduce their reliance on email by redirecting their contacts to other channels, unsubscribing from unnecessary newsletters or mailing lists, deleting or archiving old emails, and using filters or folders to organize their inbox.

  • Monitor and evaluate their online communication habits and outcomes and make adjustments as needed.

What are the best practices and tips for managing online communication?

To manage online communication effectively, businesses and individuals need to follow some best practices and tips, such as:

  • Use the right tool for the right purpose. For example, use Slack for team collaboration, Zoom for video meetings, Trello for project management, and Medium for blogging.

Be clear and concise in your messages. Use simple language, short sentences, bullet points, headings, easy to read and understand.

  • Be respectful and polite in your messages. Use appropriate greetings, salutations, and sign-offs. Express gratitude, appreciation, and praise. Avoid sarcasm, criticism, and insults. Use emojis and gifs sparingly and appropriately.

  • Be responsive and timely in your messages. Reply to messages as soon as possible, or at least acknowledge receipt. Inform your contacts if you are unavailable or busy. Follow up on pending or unresolved issues.

  • Be mindful and selective in your messages. Don't send unnecessary or irrelevant messages. Don't spam or flood your contacts with too many messages. Don't reply to all or cc everyone unless needed. Don't send confidential or sensitive information online.


Summarize the main points of the article

In conclusion, email was a groundbreaking invention that revolutionized online communication, but it also had many flaws and limitations that made it obsolete and undesirable. New technologies such as social media, messaging apps, video conferencing, project management, and blogging have emerged to replace email and offer better solutions for online communication. Businesses and individuals can transition from email to other platforms by following some steps and best practices to manage their online communication effectively.

Provide a call to action for the readers

If you are ready to say goodbye to email and embrace the new era of online communication, we have a special offer for you. For a limited time only, you can get a free trial of our premium package that includes access to all the tools mentioned in this article, plus many more features and benefits. To claim your free trial, click on the link below and enter the code "RIP EMAIL". Hurry up, this offer expires soon!


What is email?

Email is a system of sending and receiving messages over a computer network.

When was the first email sent?

The first email was sent in 1961 by Ray Tomlinson, a computer engineer working for the US Department of Defense.

Why is email dying?

Email is dying because it is outdated, inefficient, insecure, and stressful.

What are some alternatives to email?

Some alternatives to email are Slack, Zoom, Trello, and Medium.

How can I transition from email to other platforms?

You can transition from email to other platforms by evaluating your communication needs and goals, choosing the most suitable tools for your purposes, training yourself and your teams on how to use them effectively and efficiently, setting clear expectations and guidelines for online communication, reducing your reliance on email, and monitoring and evaluating your online communication habits and outcomes. 71b2f0854b


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